Hot Topic #12: Planned Parenthood

This photo was taken in December 2013. Faye Wattleton is the first African-American and youngest president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Image Credit:

This photo was taken in December 2013. Faye Wattleton was the first African-American and youngest president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
Image Credit:

This has been brewing inside my head, inside my whole body, for a while now.

As you read this, please know that I’m trying to be as factual and objective as possible here. I have put hours upon hours of research into this post. I hope you find this informative.

Your comments are appreciated!

First and foremost, I encourage everyone who reads this to educate themselves about Planned Parenthood (PP, or PPFA) straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.

This is the international organization’s website: Planned Parenthood.

Before starting to write this post, I took a lot of time to review their site. Doing this helped a lot, learning exactly what they do, and how they work every single day to help people in need. And, being naturally curious, I immediately wanted to explore deeper into their history and their work.

I enjoy history and research, so I wanted to share a bit of a historical look into PP first thing.

PP began as a birth control clinic in Brooklyn, New York. It was established by Margaret Sanger, her sister Ethel Byrne, and Fania Mindell in October 1916.

From there, the Brooklyn clinic became the American Birth Control League, and then the name officially changed to the PPFA in 1942.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) began in 1952.

PP has certainly experienced its share of protests, violence, and other attacks.

On the same day as the Colorado Springs PP shooting, U.S. News and World Report published a well-informed and researched Q&A on PP and its experiences with violence:

Not all articles or interviews related to PP are negative, however.

While reading one of the more recent issues of Glamour magazine on the plane ride to my honeymoon, I discovered it was their annual “Women Of The Year” issue. They featured what turned out to be an excellent profile of Cecile Richards, the current president of the PPFA.

I say that because I originally intended to gloss over her profile, but I’m glad I didn’t. I learned so much about her and her rise to her current position. She’s been president of the PPFA since 2006.

Re-reading that profile for this post was refreshing. Re-reading it solidified my belief in Richards’ leadership, as well as my own position/opinion on PP.

As with many of my Commentary posts, I attempt to thoroughly research the subject at hand, reading as much as I can to solidly form my own opinions, and then share my knowledge with you, my readers.

I started writing this post shortly after the November 27, 2015 attack on a Colorado Springs, Colorado PP clinic. I wanted to feature some coverage of that event here.

My intent in my research was to use a variety of sources and news outlets.

In addition to the coverage of the Colorado Springs clinic attack, I wanted to go deeper and look for other recent information/coverage about PP. I was most interested in researching the controversy that has brewed throughout 2015 over supposed undercover videos, along with the calls to eliminate federal funding for PP.

Please note: Several of these links are opinions or editorials, but I included them due to their overall value.

I hope you found these links to be informative.

My position/opinion is that PP should, basically, be left alone. The clinics should remain open. They shouldn’t be attacked. They do much more public service than I think many people realize, but the square focus has been on abortion for some time now. I wish people would take the time to understand that PP does perform abortions, but they also provide birth control, and also work very hard to educate people about reproductive health.

However, I realize that abortion has been a hot topic for decades in both the United States and around the world. There have been calls for changes, but unfortunately, the controversy will likely never end. Everyone is absolutely entitled to their own opinions and positions, but I wish innocent people didn’t have to be injured, or killed.

I have extensively researched both the pro-life and pro-choice movements, and tried to understand and educate myself on the history of abortion in both the United States and around the world.

Personally, I believe that a woman has a right to choose. This is especially true if the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, or if the pregnancy is endangering the mother’s health in any way.

I’m glad that abortion is legal in the United States, along with a handful of other countries in this world.

Many women around the world simply do not have this freedom.


Image Credit: Wikipedia

The map above was captioned as follows:
  • International status of abortion law
  • UN 2013 report on abortion law
Legend (The colors wouldn’t copy over):
  • Blue – Legal on request.
  • Green – Illegal with exceptions for maternal life, mental health, health, rape, fetal defects, and/or socioeconomic factors.
  • Yellow – Illegal with exceptions for maternal life, mental health, health, rape, and/or fetal defects.
  • Brown – Illegal with exceptions for maternal life, mental health, health, and/or rape.
  • Orange – Illegal with exceptions for maternal life, mental health, and/or health.
  • Red – Illegal with no exceptions.
  • Dark Grey/Black – Varies.
  • Light Grey – No information.

Thanks for reading.

Until the next headline, Laura Beth 🙂

Book Review #9: “The Fault In Our Stars”


Image Credit: Wikipedia

“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.”
John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

Oh my goodness. This book.

I fell in love with John Green and his books since I read Looking for Alaska, as part of my Young Adult Literature course, during my very last semester at Longwood.

It’s interesting how I finally got around to reading this book. Originally, I heard about the book around the same time that the movie based on the book hit theaters. I’m one of those people who prefers to read the books before seeing the movies based on the books.

Believe me, I read the book first, it just took me a while.

The book was first published in January 2012.

The movie was released in June 2014.

I bought a copy of the book, well-loved from a local book shop (Book Owl in Portsmouth, Virginia) before my wedding in November 2015.

I took it with me on our honeymoon, but didn’t touch it.

I finally put my hands on it toward the end of December, and I finally finished it one unseasonably warm and sunny Sunday, while watching Al fly his dji Phantom quadcopter around Portsmouth City Park.

Reaching the end of Green’s books, I’ve always gotten a new perspective. It’s hard to explain how his writing affects me, but every book has left an impression on me. I hope to own all of his books someday.

I wasn’t so sure about The Fault in Our Stars (TFIOS), at least at first. The hype over the movie left me a bit empty, slightly depressed. I knew it was a very sad subject. Many of my friends who had the read the book and seen the movie had said it was a definite tear-jerker. It was romantic and tragic.

I wasn’t sure if I would even like this book. And that broke my heart a bit, knowing how much Green’s books have impacted me for the last five years.

But, I forged ahead, and dove in anyway.

I came out of this book with a renewed appreciation for life.

Surprisingly, I didn’t shed a single tear. There were many times where tears welled up, but I also laughed. A lot!

Green’s writing immediately takes hold of you, grabs your shirt, and pulls you next to the characters and keeps you in their world. The entire time. It’s absolutely magical.

Green writes books that make you want to stay up all night long like you did when you were a kid, under your fort of sheets and blankets in bed, reading by flashlight.

My only complaint is the ending was very abrupt, and unexpected. It’s jarring. For me, it felt like I had decelerated from 60 miles per hour down to 0 within a few seconds.

I actually flipped to the next page, in complete disbelief that the book had ended.

But, regardless, it was a beautiful ending.

It may be a book designed for “young adults,” but it certainly renewed my 27-year-old spirit.

I think everyone should read this book.

4 1/2 out of 5 stars.

Until the next headline, Laura Beth 🙂

Commentary #14: “2016 Reading Challenge”

Challenge accepted!

I found this on Facebook a couple days ago. I’m really motivated to do this!

Here’s what I’m thinking for accomplishing this list:

A book published this year: This Is Where It Ends, Marieke Nijkamp

A book you can finish in a day: The Language of Silence, Tiffany Truitt

A book you’ve been meaning to read: Go Set A Watchman, Harper Lee

A book recommended by your local librarian or bookseller: Black Rabbit Hall, Eve Chase

A book you should have read in school: Gone With The Wind, Margaret Mitchell

A book chosen for you by your spouse, partner, sibling, child, or BFF: The Red Tent, Anita Diamant (Recommended by my BFF Melissa)

A book published before you were born: The Man in the High Castle, Philip K. Dick

A book that was banned at some point: Tropic of Cancer, Henry Miller

A book you previously abandoned: The Vacationers, Emma Straub

A book you own but have never read: New Boy, Julian Houston

A book that intimidates you: The Casual Vacancy, J.K. Rowling

A book you’ve already read at least once: The Hunger Games trilogy, Suzanne Collins

Be prepared for many Book Review posts this year!

I’m probably a little too excited to be making time to read again, but, to paraphrase one of these books, I don’t give a damn. Reading is a true escape for me.

Are you doing a challenge like this?

Until the next headline, Laura Beth 🙂

Adventure Time: Florida Edition (Round 2 – Honeymoon!)

Image Credit:

Image Credit:

We decided where we wanted to go on our honeymoon in June. We knew that we needed to go see Jody, a travel agent at the AAA center in Suffolk, per my mom’s recommendation.

We thought we wanted a week at Disney World.

What we ended up doing was so much better!

When we met with Jody, we told her we were thinking of Orlando and Disney World for the week before Thanksgiving. She listened, thought about it, and then said,

“Have you heard of our Harry Potter Experience package?”

… Say what now?

When we left to get Mexican food on that June Saturday morning, we had signed up for three days at Universal with park-to-park passes, spending the whole week at Universal’s Cabana Bay Resort, breakfast vouchers at Three Broomsticks and The Leaky Cauldron, and a session at Shutterbuttons Studio. Wow!

Believe me, we certainly were excited for our wedding, but we couldn’t wait for our honeymoon!

Day 1 – Sunday, November 15th

Waiting for our flight! So excited!

Waiting for our flight! So excited!

After our wedding, we stayed overnight at the Hampton Inn near the Norfolk airport. We flew Southwest, thanks to my parents for snagging an awesome deal! It was a direct flight from Norfolk to Orlando, so we landed around 2:00 p.m. Our travel package instructed us to go to the Universal Orlando store. There, we received our shuttle information and our special “We’re Celebrating Our Honeymoon!” buttons. I received a series of texts indicating where our shuttle would be and what time.

Sure enough, this fancy black shuttle came to pick us up right on schedule. The driver took our bags and we settled in. It was about a 20-minute drive from the airport to Cabana Bay, our home for the week.

Cabana Bay Beach Resort is one of Universal’s newest resorts. It looks like a classic resort from the 1950s! Imagine a lot of neon and bright colors. It was massive – Five wings of rooms, two pools, a bowling alley, an arcade, a full-service diner, and more!

We spent most of Sunday exploring the resort, which felt like it went on and on. It was so awesome!

One of the two pools.

One of the two pools.

The front of the resort, all lit up.

The front of the resort, all lit up.

They had these classic cars permanently parked outside the resort.

They had these classic cars permanently parked outside the resort.

This was a cool cook in the lobby.

This was a cool clock in the lobby.

Day 2 – Monday, November 16th

We used our Disney World Hopper passes on Monday and Friday.

We decided to hit up the Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom!

All of Disney World had their Christmas decorations up! This was just beyond the entrance to the Magic Kingdom.

All of Disney World had their Christmas decorations up! This was just beyond the entrance to the Magic Kingdom.

The Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse.

The Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse.

Monsters, Inc. Laugh Floor.

Monsters, Inc. Laugh Floor.

Animal Kingdom Christmas Tree. Every park had a huge tree, and they were all different!

The Animal Kingdom Christmas Tree. Every park had a huge tree, and they were all different!

The Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life.

Beautiful macaws and parrots!

Beautiful macaws and parrots!



One of the staff holding a gorgeous great horned owl before the "Birds of Wonder" show.

One of the staff holding a gorgeous great horned owl before the “Birds of Wonder” show.

Expedition Everest! We were in the front row! It was an awesome ride.

Expedition Everest! We were in the front row! It was an awesome ride.

Day 3 – Tuesday, November 17th

Day 1 at Universal!

As part of our package, we were able to enter the park an hour early!

The entrance to Universal CityWalk.

The entrance to Universal CityWalk. CityWalk has shops, restaurants, a movie theater, and even mini-golf!



If you haven’t been to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, it is totally worth it. I felt like I was on the set the entire time. The sheer amount of time and effort that was put into researching these worlds – Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley – was evident. Everything looked perfect. There were several people that were visiting from the U.K., and they were impressed!

The Hogwarts Express!

The Hogwarts Express!

On Tuesday, we had breakfast at Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. Delicious! I tried the pumpkin juice there - Not bad!

We had our first of two breakfasts at Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. Delicious! I tried the pumpkin juice there – Not bad!

The entrance to Three Broomsticks.

The entrance to Three Broomsticks.

I rode the Dragon Challenge roller coaster - Front row, and with only one other guy on the train, and he was in the very back!

I rode the Dragon Challenge roller coaster – Front row, and with only one other guy on the train, and he was in the very back!

Hogwarts! This had the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride - So cool!

Hogwarts! This had the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride – So cool!

We rode the Hogwarts Express into Kings Cross station. The Hogwarts Express connects the two parks! After leaving Kings Cross, we set foot in London in Universal Studios. Amazing!

Diagon Alley. It was truly magical!

Diagon Alley. It was truly magical!

Candid shot!

Candid shot!

Welcome to Springfield, U.S.A.!

Welcome to Springfield, U.S.A.!

After exploring Universal, we went back to the resort and enjoyed the Galaxy Bowl bowling alley!

After exploring Universal, we went back to the resort and enjoyed the Galaxy Bowl bowling alley!

Day 4 – Wednesday, November 18th

Day 2 at Universal!

Breakfast at The Leaky Cauldron!

Breakfast at The Leaky Cauldron!


Superman! This was in the gift shop after riding Terminator 2 3D: Battle Across Time.

Kings Cross Station!

Kings Cross Station!

We experienced Butterbeer! It was amazing! The frozen kind was perfect because it was warm and humid!

We experienced Butterbeer! It was amazing! The frozen kind was perfect because it was warm and humid!

The day before, we tried to eat dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp at CityWalk, but the line was insane! We decided to make a reservation for Wednesday night, which was perfect.

We timed the reservation for after the Universal’s Cinematic Spectacular: 100 Years of Movie Memories show in Universal Studios. It was a unique experience – It took place on the lagoon, and they used waterfall screens of amazing movie moments, with amazing music, fireworks, and narration by Morgan Freeman!

Back at Bubba Gump Shrimp, they took us early. It was packed, but we enjoyed a delicious meal! Our waitress was fantastic, and the manager stopped by to wish us well during our stay. All the staff quiz the tables with Forrest Gump trivia at some point during the meal, and between Al and I, we got all the questions right!

Day 5 – Thursday, November 19th

Last day at Universal. We took this day to explore Islands of Adventure!

You can enter Jurassic Park through Hogsmeade! It’s so awesome.

Welcome to Jurassic Park!

Welcome to Jurassic Park!

We rode the Jurassic Park River Adventure as soon as it opened. It was wild – We were the only two on the raft!

After exploring all of Jurassic Park, we made our way to Toon Lagoon! We strategically wore our swimsuits underneath our clothes, because we hit the three big water rides back-to-back-to-back. Unfortunately, that idea backfired – We were still damp a couple hours later!

We loved all the funny comics!

We loved all the funny comics!

Marvel Superhero Island and The Adventures of Spider-Man!

Marvel Superhero Island and The Adventures of Spider-Man!

Dr. Doom!

Dr. Doom!

In the afternoon, we made our way back to Diagon Alley for our Shutterbuttons studio session. It was awesome! We got to star in our own moving portraits, with robes and all! We love the DVD we received!

For dinner, we went to The Cowfish restaurant at CityWalk. It sounds bizarre at first – A sushi burger bar?!

It was amazing!

We both got bento boxes - Sushi and a burger slider in the middle! So good!

We both got bento boxes – Sushi and a burger slider in the middle! So good!

One of the best experiences that we had was a gift from our dear friend Key – She bought us tickets to Blue Man Group! The venue was right outside Universal. It was so fun!

Selfie before the show! We couldn't take pictures or video, but it was an amazing show!

Selfie before the show! We couldn’t take pictures or video, but it was an amazing show!

If you haven’t seen Blue Man Group, you are missing out! It’s totally worth your money. It’s an amazing experience!!

Day 6 – Friday, November 20th

Last full day in Orlando. Womp womp!

But, we thoroughly enjoyed Day 2 at Disney World!

After breakfast at the resort’s diner, we took a taxi to Disney’s Hollywood Studios!

First on the list was Star Tours, obviously. It was awesome! We got even more excited for Star Wars: The Force Awakens at this point – Check out my movie review!

We did The Great Movie Ride as well.

First in line for MuppetVision 3D!

First in line for MuppetVision 3D!

Pixar Studios! This place was nuts. We wanted to do Toy Story Midway Mania!, but it was over an hour wait!

Pixar Place! This place was nuts. We wanted to do Toy Story Midway Mania!, but it was over an hour wait! I guess we just have to come back again …

Instead of waiting for a Disney bus to head to Epcot, we took a boat ride! It was such a cool experience. We got to see several of the Disney resorts, and then we were dropped off at Epcot!

The amazing model railroad in Germany!

The amazing model railroad in Germany!

We ate lunch in China – Delicious!


Obligatory. Spaceship Earth!

We also rode the monorail back to the Magic Kingdom!

We had an absolutely wonderful time!!

Day 7 – Saturday, November 21st

The shuttle picked us up and took us to the Orlando airport.

Like our flight down, we had a direct flight back to Norfolk.

We came back home to sunny weather, but 54 degrees!

My wonderful parents picked us up and took us home.

If you take away any tips, I highly recommend leaving for a week-long trip on Sunday and coming back on Saturday. We needed that Saturday and Sunday to rest up and get ready for the following week!

We had an amazing week together that kicked off our married life.

I can’t wait to go back!

Until the next headline, Laura Beth 🙂

Getting Personal #18: Best. Day. Ever.

I hesitated to use the word “perfect.” I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate.

But, during our thank-you speech at our wedding reception, I couldn’t think of any other word that was better.

November 14th was truly a perfect day.

Disclaimer: All photos in this post, unless otherwise stated, were taken by Amanda MacDiarmid, or her second shooter, Cathy. Amanda owns and operates Stellar Exposures.

All credit goes to them.

We started the day early – My parents and I arrived at the church at 6:45 a.m. Hair and makeup quickly followed, and our ceremony started at 11:00 a.m. sharp.

My dress was in a tree!

My dress was hanging in a tree!

One of my all-time favorites.

One of my all-time favorites.

Amanda is so creative!

Amanda is so creative!

Getting dressed!

Getting dressed!

Our save-the-date postcard and our invitation.

Our save-the-date postcard and our invitation.

Our program on the brick steps leading to the sanctuary.

Our wedding program on the brick steps leading to the sanctuary.

Amanda and her second shooter, Cathy, were absolutely FABULOUS!

Our ceremony was held at the church that I have been attending since I was four-years-old. Aldersgate United Methodist Church holds a special place in my heart. We were so fortunate that our former associate pastor, Eric Song, came down from Winchester to marry us!

The sanctuary.

The sanctuary.

Beautiful shot.

Beautiful shot.

He played his guitar during the groomsmen entrance, and I could hear it as I was waiting to enter the sanctuary.

Dea Atkinson, a long-time church friend, played a lively variety of music on the piano. She is amazing!

Pastor Eric Song playing his guitar during the groomsmen entrance.

Pastor Eric Song playing his guitar during the groomsmen entrance.

Walking down the aisle with Mom and Dad.

Walking down the aisle with Mom and Dad.

Al seeing me for the first time :)

Al seeing me for the first time 🙂



One of my favorites :)

One of my favorites 🙂

The ceremony had a lot of laughter, and a few tears. Eric did an amazing job! It was a whirlwind – It was over in just 25 minutes! But it was amazing. I felt completely surrounded by love and peace.

One of my favorite parts of the ceremony was the love letters that Al and I wrote to each other. Eric asked us to write a letter to each other, but neither of us could see it. We both ended up writing about our first date on September 4, 2010. It was awesome!

About 100 people came to our wedding, which was perfect.

I married into a HUGE family. Being an only child, it’s so awesome! We were so grateful that most of our family members were able to join us for our special day.

Mom and Dad.

Karen (Momma) and Jim (Daddy).

My family. L to R: Uncle Richard, Auntie Marn, Mom, LB, Dad, Cousin Ryan, and Uncle Butch.

My family!
L to R: Uncle Richard (Mom’s brother), Auntie Marn (Dad’s sister), Karen (Mom), LB, Jim (Dad), Cousin Ryan, and Uncle Butch (Dad’s brother-in-law).

Al's immediate family! L to R: Bruce (Dad), Debbie (Mom), Al, and Nick (Brother and brother-in-law)

Al’s immediate family!
L to R: Bruce (Dad), Debbie (Mom), Al, and Nick (Brother and brother-in-law).

91-year-old Grandma Helena came!! L to R: Al, Grandma, Nick

This was spectacular – 91-year-old Grandma Helena came!!
L to R: Al, Grandma, Nick

Pastor Eric and his wife, Heather!

Pastor Eric and his wife, Heather!

Beautiful and handsome.

Beautiful, and handsome.

Wholesale Flower Market, Inc., in Chesapeake, did our arrangements. They wrapped my bouquet with one of my grandmother's handkerchiefs and attached one of her gorgeous brooches.

Wholesale Flower Market, Inc., in Chesapeake, did our arrangements – They were absolutely gorgeous. They wrapped my bouquet with one of my grandmother’s handkerchiefs and attached one of her gorgeous brooches. Grandma Grace, who passed away in July 2013, was definitely with us in spirit.

Aunt Pam and Uncle Bill.

Aunt Pam and Uncle Bill.

L to R: Cousin Kellie, LB, Al, Aunt Rosalind, and Uncle John.

L to R: Cousin Kellie, LB, Al, Aunt Rosalind, and Uncle John.

L to R: Nick, LB, Al, Mia (future niece), and Savy (future sister-in-law).

L to R: Nick, LB, Al, Mia (future niece), and Savy (future sister-in-law).

L to R: Uncle Ken, Aunt Karen, LB, Al, Aunt Brenda, and Uncle Joe.

L to R: Uncle Ken, Aunt Karen, LB, Al, Brenda, and Uncle Joe.

Uncle Dan and Aunt Jeanne.

Uncle Dan and Aunt Jeanne.

Uncle Bill and Aunt Susan.

Uncle Bill and Aunt Susan.

Cousins Micah and Ashley.

Cousins Micah and Ashley.

The whole family!

The whole family!

The proud parents.

The proud parents.

The wedding party! Y'all rock! L to R: Liz, Katie, Stephanie, Melissa, LB, Al, Bruce, Nick, Joe, and Mike.

The wedding party! Y’all rock!
L to R: Liz, Katie, Stephanie, Melissa, LB, Al, Bruce, Nick, Joe, and Mike.



The girls!

The ladies!

No one planned the coordinating black and red shoes!

No one planned the coordinating black and red shoes!

Mom and Dad :)

Mom and Dad 🙂

The men!

The men!

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling stained glass piece.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling stained glass piece.

After the ceremony, Charlie from Orange Peel Transportation came to pick up the wedding party and shuttle us to our reception at Cedar Point Country Club in Suffolk, about 15 minutes from the church. It was a brisk day, but sunny and crystal clear!

Our gorgeous cake, made with love by Tracy Grandon.

Our gorgeous cake, made with love by Tracy Grandon.

One of the three amazing art pieces that our future sister-in-law Savy made for us! Check out SavyArt for more!

One of the three amazing art pieces that our future sister-in-law, Savy, made for us! Check out SavyArt for more!

Our first dance. We danced to "Who I Am With You" by Chris Young.

Our first dance. We danced to “Who I Am With You” by Chris Young.

Father-daughter dance. Dad and I danced to "Carolina In My Mind" by James Taylor. This was a surprise for my mom as well - Dad played this song when he proposed to Mom!

Father-daughter dance.
Daddy and I danced to “Carolina In My Mind” by James Taylor. This was a surprise for my mom as well – Dad played this song when he proposed to Mom!

Mother-son dance. Al and Mom danced to "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts.

Mother-son dance.
Al and Mom danced to “My Wish” by Rascal Flatts.

Aunt Karen said a beautiful blessing over the food.

Aunt Karen said a beautiful blessing over the food.

Our fabulous DJ, Matt! He's with Music Makes You Happy Entertainment. He was stellar!

Our fabulous DJ, Matt! He’s with Music Makes You Happy Entertainment. He was stellar!

Al and I love movies, so he edited images of famous movie couples for our tables!

Al and I love movies, so he edited images of famous movie couples for our tables!

Beautiful! I love this photo of us :) Here's to more adventures! L to R: Drew, Katie, LB, Al, Heaven, and Justin.

Beautiful! I love this photo of us 🙂 Here’s to more adventures!
L to R: Drew, Katie, LB, Al, Heaven, and Justin.

The beautiful maid of honor, Melissa, making her speech.

The beautiful maid of honor, Melissa, making her toast.

The best man, Bruce, a.k.a. Dad, giving his speech.

The dapper best man, Bruce, a.k.a. Dad, giving his toast.

The father of the bride, Jim, giving his speech.

The handsome father of the bride, Jim, giving his thank-you speech and toast.

After eating and toasts, we DANCED!

View More:

Let’s boogie!


If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!

Mom and Dad!

Mom and Dad!

Chris and Donald.

Chris and Donald.

Olivia and Christine!

Olivia and Christine!

Brad Daniels with Ebb & Flow Films!!

Brad Daniels, our fantastic videographer, with Ebb & Flow Films!!

Tearing up the dance floor.

Tearing up the dance floor.

Standing, L to R: Nick, Crystal, and Savy. Sitting: Mia. Crystal was our wedding planner! Check out Cherry Blossom Planning Factory!

Dancing, L to R: Nick, Crystal, and Savy. Sitting: Mia.
Crystal was our (glitter bomb, of course!) wedding planner! Check out Cherry Blossom Planning Factory!

Dance, dance, dance!

Dance, dance, dance!

Around 3:30 p.m., Amanda and Cathy came to Al and I, and asked us for 15 minutes to go outside for some portraits. I needed it then – I was so hot! The brisk air was so refreshing!



It was a little windy, but it felt awesome!!

It was a little windy, but it felt awesome!!

I forgot that we were on a golf course!

I forgot that we were on a golf course!

Beautiful. That light!

Beautiful. That light!

November 14th was perfect. The pictures that Amanda and Cathy took, they number in the thousands. I’m incredibly grateful for each and every one. Thank you, Amanda and Cathy, for capturing our special day so beautifully!!

A HUGE thank you goes out to our families, first and foremost. Thank you for supporting our love since 2010. Thank you for being amazing every day!

To our friends, thank you for your love and support. It means the world to us. Thank you to those who hosted bridal showers, offered help of all kinds, were a phone call away when I wanted to pull my hair out, and much, much more. We were so happy that so many of you were able to come celebrate with us!

Thank you to our fantastic vendors!!

Ceremony Site: Aldersgate United Methodist Church

Reception Site & Caterer: Cedar Point Country Club

Linens: Waterford Event Rentals

Videographer: Ebb & Flow Films

Photographer: Stellar Exposures

DJ: Music Makes You Happy Entertainment

Flowers: Wholesale Flower Market, INC.

Hair & Bridal Party Make-Up: Mystique Salon & Day Spa

Transportation: Orange Peel

Wedding Ninjas: Cherry Blossom Planning Factory

Happy New Year, friends.

Here’s to 2016!

Dancing and singing to "Don't Stop Believin" - The last song of the night.

Dancing and singing to “Don’t Stop Believin'” – The last song of the event!

Until the next headline, Laura Beth 🙂